Monday, September 29, 2008

Pink Thunder in full effect.

As many of you know, when Steve and I got married, I added a "khaki load" to my laundry routine. Now nearly 11 years later and with 2 lovely little girls, I have added not only a "pink load," but a "hot pink load" as well.

Never in my life did I think I'd be so inundated with the shade. I'm pretty sure that I'll be tapped for a focus group for "Woolite for Pinks."

Thanks to Katy's mom's gift of the book Fancy Nancy, Jill has now been acquainted with variations on the color...fuschia, coral, blush.

Next year's Halloween group costume: The Pink Ladies.

Lizzie vs. Carrots

I have given up on keeping the cloth cover on the high chair. This picture evidences why.

The child earns the nickname "Messie Bessie" daily. In this shot, she has carrots on the top of her head all the way to her toes. She will put her hand in her mouth while there's a spoonful of carrots in there already, then rub it on anything within reach; this includes me, who noticed, while at the neighbors, that I had a thin film of carrots on my hand, yesterday.

She has worn edible mascara several times. If I'm not careful, she will kick the food container out of my hand.

It's true, moms of singles, the 2nd one will probably be the polar opposite of the first...we barely needed a bib with Jill!

Bon Appetit!